Assessment Accreditation & Exam Results

Here you will find out how we monitor the progress of our learners and what external accreditation they achieve.


There is a comprehensive system of assessment, recording and reporting in the school that informs the planning process so that pupils’ progress can be effectively monitored. As pupils enter school there is an initial assessment completed to assist in setting targets for the pupils’ Personal Learning Plan (PLP). These assessments are based around the 4 elements of SEND ie; Communication & Interaction, Cognition & Learning, Physical & Sensory, and Social, Emotional & Mental Health. Each pupil follows a Personalised Assessment Pathway in line with their Education, Health & Care Plan. All pupils are assessed using the B Squared Scheme which measures pupil progress on a year-by-year basis and effectively measures the extent to which pupils have progressed. The results of these assessments are used to compile whole-school targets for improvement. All parents receive a termly report on progress within the PLPs and ‘Evidence for Learning’. Pupil’s PLPs relate directly to their Education Health and Care Plan through the Annual Educational Review process and enable the development and support of individual key skills and learning goals.

You can see how well our pupils have achieved their long term outcomes at the end of key stage here - Long Term EHCP Outcomes Information for 2023-24

Pupils have the opportunity to enter for SATs assessments, if appropriate. Often these assessments tell us very little of what our children can do, but they are occasionally useful for a small number of our pupils. Through the Key Stage 4 and Post 16 curriculum, students complete modules of work and receive accreditations through examination bodies, e.g. ASDAN. Decisions regarding other examinations are based upon a child’s individual needs or capabilities.

The school’s pupil progress data information can be found here -

End of Key Stage Assessment Information Maths and English 23-24

End of Key Stage Assessment Information Maths and English 22-23

End of Key Stage Assessment Information Maths and English 21-22

There is a detailed diagram to explain how we assess in our ‘Assessment at Newfield’ section at the bottom of the page.

More information is contained in the Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy.

All pupils take part in an assembly each week that awards certificates and/or stickers for good work and achievement.

On leaving the school students receive their final Record of Achievement, including their externally accredited examination certificates and a portfolio of work as part of a presentation package which details their achievements.

Evidence of pupils’ work in their files, books and displayed in classrooms and corridors, shows excellent progress in basic literacy and numeracy skills by all age groups and in a wide range of subjects. Ofsted, 2016

Last year all Year 11 pupils achieved units in the Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Transition Challenge Award. As a result this group of pupils have a high success rate with their personal learning pathways by the time they leave school. Ofsted, 2016

Standard Assessment Test Results

The End of Key Stage assessments are set at a level which makes them inaccessible to the majority our pupils and therefore our children do not meet the eligibility criteria to take the tests. Consequently the results for statutory assessment at the end of each Key Stage do not present the best measure of the standards of achievement attained by our pupils. In school we use a variety of measures to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our pupils, including the B Squared scheme. Pupil assessment is completed termly, and moderated annually. The data is analysed by teachers and deputy head teachers in order to identify progress and interventions to support improved results for individuals and groups of pupils.

Below are detailed the outcomes of assessment against National Standards for the Academic Year 2023-24.

Early Years Standardised Assessment

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile – all 9 pupils at the end of the Foundation Stage were at an ‘emerging’ level for all 17 areas, apart from two pupils who achieved the early learning goals for their gross motor skills, and one pupil also achieved the fine motor skills early learning goal.

All pupils were working towards the standards to prepare them for the phonics screening checks in Year one.

End of Key Stage 1
  • Reading - 25 pupils were assessed as below pre key stage standards and 3 pupils achieved Pre Key Stage Standard 1.
  • Writing - 27 pupils were assessed as below pre key stage standards and 1 pupil achieved Pre Key Stage Standard 1.
  • Maths - 23 pupils were assessed as below pre key stage standards, 3 pupils achieved Pre Key Standard 1 and 1 pupil achieved pre key stage standard 3
End of Key Stage 2
  • Reading - 13 pupils were assessed as below pre key stage standards, 2 pupils achieved Pre Key stage standard 1, 1 pupil achieved Pre-Key Stage Standard 2, 3 pupils achieved Pre Key Stage Standard 3 and 1 pupil achieved Pre Key Stage Standard 4
  • Writing - 14 pupils were assessed as below pre key stage standards, 1 pupil achieved pre key stage standard 1, 2 pupils achieved Pre-Key Stage Standard 2 and 2 pupils achieved Pre Key Stage Standard 3
  • Maths - 13 pupils were assessed as below Pre Key Stage Standards, 1 pupil achieved Pre Key Stage Standard 2 and 6 pupils achieved Pre-Key Stage Standard 3
School and college performance tables

The Government has a website detailing all schools performance so that schools performance nationally can be compared. Here you will find our school’s performance tables page.

The school sets ambitious and predictive outcomes for pupils at the end of each key stage. The outcomes of these attainments are available upon request from the Head Teacher.

Inspectors’ analysis of the school’s records show that the rate of pupils’ progress has increased over the last three years. The proportion of pupils making better than expected progress, based on their starting points, has increased since the last inspection and is now above that of their peers in mainstream schools. Furthermore, a higher proportion of pupils in receipt of the pupil premium grant reach the standards expected for their starting points in English and mathematics, compared to their peers nationally. In addition, despite being in the minority, girls make outstanding progress too. Ofsted 2016


Students have the opportunity to take part in modules leading to accreditation by an examination board; usually ASDAN.

Pupils in Year 10 and 11 work towards accreditation through ASDAN’s ‘Transition Challenge’ and in the Post 16 phase pupils work on units in ‘Personal Progress’ achieving accreditation at the end of Year 14.

In the academic year 2022-23 the following accreditations were achieved:

Year 11

8 pupils achieved the Transition Challenge with 8 students achieving the gold award (of whom 2 did the sensory version).

Year 14

9 students achieved credits through the ASDAN Units in Personal Progress. Of these 9 students, all 9 achieved accreditation of ASDAN Units in Personal Progress at the ‘Diploma’ level.

At 19 all leavers achieved units in the ASDAN Personal Progress Award at either certificate or diploma level. Ofsted 2016

This diagram illustrates the many tools that we use to assess the progress of our learners here at Newfield.

Each child will have a bespoke suite of assessment tools appropriate to their needs.

Assessment at Newfield

‘Pupils make rapid progress due to leaders’ robust monitoring of the quality of teaching, learning and assessment’. Ofsted, 2016

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Newfield School is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults as its number one priority.

Full copies of Policies and Procedures related to all aspects of Safeguarding, and the Complaints Policy, are available on request from Rachel Kay, Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Equality Duty

Newfield School complies with the general and specific duties of the Equality Act (2010). In accordance with the duty we publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard to the need to;

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Foster good relations

These specific duties have been considered in relation to all our policies and procedures in school. Our objectives will be reported on and published as part of the Governance public documents available for inspection under the Freedom of Information Regulations and Data Protection duties and in the school newsletter to parents.

Our Equality Objectives are set, reviewed and published annually in our School Development Plan.

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