At Newfield School we are dedicated to providing a rich and balanced curriculum through which our pupils acquire, develop, master and generalise meaningful skills and understanding throughout their journey with us. This builds on each of our learner’s individual abilities and is underpinned by them achieving the outcomes in their Education Health and Care Plans.
Our curriculum is organised into pathways to promote each learner accessing an offer best suited to their needs.
Below is an overview of our curriculum principles and the different pathways children follow.

At Newfield we believe that everything we do, and everything each learner experiences, must be useful and relevant for each stage of their learning journey and ultimately for their life outside school in their home and wider community. Throughout their journey with us learners are given opportunities to develop skills that will best prepare them for their next steps in learning.

The Explorers Pathway is for our youngest learners in school who are in EYFS and Key Stage One. Pupils access play based learning, through enabling environments and high quality adult interactions. Children work on their individualised learning outcomes through circle times, small group activities and individualised support but most of all through fun and play – opening up a world of learning.

The Pre-Formal Pathway is based around 4 areas of learning - Communication & Interaction, Cognition & Learning, Physical & Sensory and Independence & Community. It offers an immersive, enriching sensory-based curriculum to build & develop skills via a thematic approach.

Semi-Formal & Formal
The Semi-Formal Pathway is organised around 6 areas of learning and is delivered via a thematic approach building subject specific learning in readiness for the next steps to a Formal Pathway.

Post 16
The Post 16 Pathway focusses on the 4 areas of Preparation for Adulthood and provides learners a community-based learning offer that builds on the skills whilst developing readiness for adult life.

Assessment & Accreditation
Learner’s progress is assessed on an on-going basis using a range of assessment tools designed to help identify the crucial next steps in learning. Older students work towards externally validated accreditation.