School Development & Key Priorities
Newfield has a comprehensive School Development Plan (SDP) which is available in its entirety on request.
School Development Planning Process – Towards Vision
Our School Development Plan (SDP) presents a 3 year strategic overview to support on-going improvement and our drive towards outstanding provision. For each academic year we then identify our key improvement priorities.
From these priorities our School Improvement action plan is drawn up to ensure we address these areas within our cycle of self- evaluation. This process is fluid and supported by the termly self – evaluation governor committees.
Both the School Development and Improvement Plan relate directly to the 4 key areas of focus in the revised OFSTED framework (2019)
Each year the SDP is evaluated and aspects carried over where needed. New targets are then set and others discontinued.
See below for our current School Development Priorities for 2024-2028 and click the button to view the plan.

School Development Plan 2024-2028
Click hereSee below for our current School Improvement Priorities for 2024-2025.
Newfield Improvement Priorities 2024-25
Click here
If you wish to comment on the School Development Plan, please email us: