Special Announcement
January 2025
Wednesday 8th January 2025
Newfield site is fully open today - however, the grounds are very icy so we are making provision for children to remain inside to keep everyone safe.
We have been informed by BwD transport that some buses are not able to access certain areas - transport will provide information about this - please do not contact school as this is a transport issue.
Children whose transport is not running may come to school with parents bringing them - however, parents will also have to collect them when school finishes at 3.10pm
Monday 6th January 2025
Dear parents and carers - a very happy new year!
We hope you have had a good break - as you are aware Blackburn is once again a winter wonderland.
The site team have spent all day, from very early this morning, clearing the Newfield site, digging out snow, a plough coming on site to remove the large drifts, and additional gritting of the site taking place - you can see the difference in the photos from 6am and 1pm below after the hard graft!
We have done all that we can to ensure that we are able to open and welcome back the children tomorrow, Tuesday 7th January.
However, we cannot stop further snowfalls or the predicted ice.
Our intention is of course, to be open tomorrow - however, we will give a further update in the morning depending on the weather.
We may find ourselves in a position where we cannot open at the usual time in the morning, but have plans to attempt a partial day opening in that eventuality. In this case, we will assess the situation and update you before 11am in order to open at 12 noon. A partial opening would mean that parents would be responsible for transport to and from school and for providing a packed lunch - if our kitchen staff cannot get on site early.
We apologise for giving you such uncertain information, but want to assure you all that it is absolutely our priority and intention to be fully open tomorrow - if the weather allows.
If you wish to message your child’s teacher on dojo, they are working today - if you wish to be contacted by a member of SLT regarding a specific concern, please let the teacher know and one of us will call you.