Sara Barr-Frost

Chair of Governors

About Sara Barr-Frost.

Sara was born in Blackburn.

She is a qualified Paediatric Nurse and Specialist Public Health Practitioner and has had almost 30 years of NHS experience in delivering, developing and leading quality safe effective services across the health and social care economy for children, young people and families. Sara’s nursing career has enabled a wealth of experience working in many roles across Pan-Lancashire and wider. She has also built her expertise working in roles in both acute care and community care.

Much of Sara’s nursing career has focused on championing the needs of children and young people that are most vulnerable in our communities. Sara has occupied senior statutory safeguarding roles within Lancashire, including Blackburn with Darwen, and as such Sara has extensive experience in the safeguarding agenda. As a senior nurse leader Sara has had the opportunity to lead and be accountable for the provision of a diverse range of high quality dynamic health services.

Sara has had opportunity to work outside the NHS on projects as a nurse consultant, that included;

  • Advising on Transforming Care for children and young people with Autism and Learning Disabilities
  • Implanting initiatives to support trauma informed care and embedding routine enquire of adverse childhood experiences across a range of service across the Country
  • Strategic health lead for a National Children’s Charity

Since March 2021 Sara has been working for Wrightington, Wigan and Leah NHS Foundation Trust as the Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professionals accountable and responsible for delivering quality and safe all age community services.

Sara has a passion for improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people to enable them to thrive!

She has been honoured to be a Governor for Newfield School since November 2017 and was delighted in becoming Chair of Governors in 2020.

Sara sits on the Finance, Resources & Premises and Education & Standards committees. She has a designated responsibility for SEN, Safeguarding & Attendance, Looked After Children and Leadership & Management.


Newfield School
Shadsworth Road

01254 588 600

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Newfield School is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults as its number one priority.

Full copies of Policies and Procedures related to all aspects of Safeguarding, and the Complaints Policy, are available on request from Rachel Kay, Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Equality Duty

Newfield School complies with the general and specific duties of the Equality Act (2010). In accordance with the duty we publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard to the need to;

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Foster good relations

These specific duties have been considered in relation to all our policies and procedures in school. Our objectives will be reported on and published as part of the Governance public documents available for inspection under the Freedom of Information Regulations and Data Protection duties and in the school newsletter to parents.

Our Equality Objectives are set, reviewed and published annually in our School Development Plan.

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