Today we joined the nation to celebrate Red Nose Day and to raise money for Comic Relief. We asked people to dress in something funny or RED and to donate £1; we had cake sales with a whole range of delicious treats that we had to choose from; and children had fun accessing red themed activities in our studios in class groups.
We had a circuit set up for 50p per go (with a lolly for taking part) for children and staff to how us how strong they are!
TG2 had a funny competition - 50p to guess the nose of the pupils in TG2! The person with the most correct answers (the top nose picker!) won an Easter egg and we had a laugh looking at all the close up noses.
S6 have enjoyed exploring the studio and making comic relief red nose biscuits… apparently they were yummy!
In the afternoon we had assemblies which gave an opportunity for classes to parade their outfits and have a dance to celebrate the day.
One of our groups of children took part in a Panathlon on a visit to Broadfield school in Burnley this morning. The children enjoyed a trip on the bus and had fun playing skittles and Boccia, they had fun getting out and meeting new people.
A massive thank you to our TG classes for making posters, running the cake sales and making some delicious treats!!
We’ve all had a fun, red nose day and all money raised will go to comic relief to help others - we hope you enjoy the fun on the TV tonight as Comic Relief continues into the evening.