International Day of Happiness

Today is International Day of Happiness - The theme for this year’s Happiness Day is “Caring and Sharing,” highlighting the role of kindness and generosity in fostering stronger communities and improving overall well-being.

The United Nations marks March 20th as the International Day of Happiness, dedicated to promoting awareness of happiness’s importance to personal well-being, particularly during these challenging times and recognising the importance of happiness and well-being as common aims and ambitions in the lives of people worldwide.

Research suggests that practising generosity and receiving kindness from others play a significant role in enhancing happiness - and caring and sharing is very much part of the ethos of the Newfield Family.

We want every day to be a happy day at Newfield, and here are some photos of our amazing children demonstrating their fabulous caring and sharing skills!

We hope you have all had a very happy day!

On this international day of happiness I would like to say how proud I felt showing our visitor around today. There was no pre-planned pomp and circumstance we just walked round and observed school. She has contacted me to say what an inspiration we all are and how happy and engaged the staff and pupils were. I think this reflects the true Newfield spirit when we all pull together and help each other out especially when times get tough.

Rachel Kay, Headteacher
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Saturday, 22 March. Copyright © 2018-2025 Newfield School, Blackburn, Lancashire. | Web Design by Technology Applied