British Science Week 2025

This week has been British Science week and the theme has been ‘Change and Adapt’.

To celebrate this each Key Stage was set a challenge to complete, with a prize for each winner which they collected in their assemblies!

Our youngest pupils in Explorers were tasked with creating 3D models of animals, linked to their Amazing Animals theme. There were some fabulous entries with stickle bricks, junk modelling and a 3D snake. But our overall winners were E2 for their fantastic farm animal models.

Key stage 2 and 3 (primary and our youngest secondary pupils) were challenged to make a pulley system - a method of moving an object from A to B, again some great ideas and entries but the winning class was C6 who make a pulley system to transport their snacks, great idea!

Finally, our oldest learners in Key Stage 4 and Post 16 were asked to create a poster about a Scientist who inspires them, under the focus of #smashingstereotypes. They researched people working in Sceintific fields with disabilities and those who have overcome barriers to make waves in the Scientific world. We loved the entries and how some pupils found themselves reflected in the people they learned about.

Our winning entry was from TG2, and Suha who worked tirelessly researching Marie Curie a woman who did great things in Science during a time when women were taken much less seriously, very apt for the week of Intenational Women’s Day.

Well done to our winners and all our entrants. The focus on Science continues next week with a visit from Mad Science!

Tg winners
Explorer winners
animals and colours
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