The theme for world book day this year is ‘read your way’ which suits us wonderfully here at Newfield! We have dressed in the clothes we like to wear to read in ranging from pyjamas, to our weekend chill clothes and of course some fabulous dress up outfits!
We have been reading in a range of different places and on our own ways throughout the day including in an igloo, the offices, sensory studios, a tent outside and even on a school bus.
At each station we have shared reading materials which cover a range of genres and text types including magazines, newspapers, information books, books about monsters, books about jungles and much, much more. We had differentiated activities to identify the text types in each location and joined in extra activities at each stop such as dress up and role play.
Staff have taken pictures of themselves reading their own way too and classes have had a go at guessing who is who on the pictures when the faces were covered up by emojis. There were some very funny places and pupils did a super job of guessing the staff. We even had a ‘read your own way’ song playing for us whilst we did the activity as sung by a talented staff member!
Of course, as with every day, we have read together in classes and shared our favourite books and stories as part of ‘drop everything and read’.
How amazing are S3 drawings of the Lorax for their new topic for this term, they have read the book this morning and they have all done some amazing artwork for the new class display. Some children also brought in their favourite books in from home to share with class.
Pupils will be bringing home their book vouchers which can be exchanged for specific books, or give £1 towards any book.
Thanks to everyone for an amazing day!