It’s been cold outside and classes have been learning about different habitats as well as braving the weather to make plans for spring.
S2 have been busy again planting the daffodil bulbs that were donated by B&Q. There are lots of bulbs to plant. All the students joined in putting the bulbs in the soil. Some even attempted to dig the ground which was cold and hard.
They have made a hidden letter with the bulbs. Hopefully, once the bulbs grow into daffodils, it will be visible to see - who can guess what it is?
In S4 pupils froze water to make ice blocks and made their own snow to create an Arctic habitat for our penguins and polar bears. Everyone enjoyed exploring the different activities. Ahmad did some lovely independent cruising - walking using furniture to help balance - to choose the activities he wanted to interact with. And someone really enjoyed the messy play!