Children and Adults Learning

Another busy week for everyone - without the snow this time - as we fly through January in our 2nd week back after the holidays.

Some children have been practising their fine and gross motor skills, as well as turn taking by playing ball games with their friends.

Staff attended a first aid refresher workshop on Thursday covering paediatric first aid. Staff refreshed their skills in CPR on babies, children and adults as well as applying bandages, recovery positions and general first aid.

We have had a fantastic donation from B and Q of a huge number of bulbs - so we are going to get busy planting and are looking forward to seeing lots of lovely flowers around our site in the spring!

TG2 ran a Friday treat tuck shop and we enjoyed buying chocolate, crisps, fruit and croissants!

They also had a special visitor, Ann Marie from Derian House, who popped in to see them and to collect a cheque for DErian from al of the Christmas soft toys that they sold during December Tuck Shops.

1st aid
tuck shop
tuck shop
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Newfield School
Old Bank Lane

01254 588 600

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Newfield School is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults as its number one priority.

Full copies of Policies and Procedures related to all aspects of Safeguarding, and the Complaints Policy, are available on request from Rachel Kay, Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Equality Duty

Newfield School complies with the general and specific duties of the Equality Act (2010). In accordance with the duty we publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard to the need to;

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Foster good relations

These specific duties have been considered in relation to all our policies and procedures in school. Our objectives will be reported on and published as part of the Governance public documents available for inspection under the Freedom of Information Regulations and Data Protection duties and in the school newsletter to parents.

Our Equality Objectives are set, reviewed and published annually in our School Development Plan.

Tuesday, 18 February. Copyright © 2018-2025 Newfield School, Blackburn, Lancashire. | Web Design by Technology Applied