Snowy School

- In Category: School Activities

Snowy School

This week has been snowy and icy all over Blackburn, but our amazing premises team spent all day Monday shovelling snow and gritting - and have managed to keep the site clear enough for us to be open all week. Pupils who have been able to make it into school (lots of side roads are still too icy to drive on) have been able to wrap up warm and enjoy activities in the snowy grounds.

Children in E4 this afternoon took part in a snowy arctic science experiment as this term they are looking at polar animals. They created an Explosive ‘snowcano’ and looked at how we need to wrap up for the snowy weather too - It was brrrrrilliant

C11 children have also been making the most of the snow - sledging, building snowmen and watching them melt, snow ball throwing and exploring the snow. Their theme is also arctic animals so they are enjoying exploring how they live in this weather!

And S4 filled a tray with snow from outside and had fun exploring it, there were mixed reviews on whether everyone liked it or not! Then they experimented with different colours and mixed them together see which other colours we could make in the snow.

Our Wellbeing Warriors wanted to thank our premises team for all their very hard graft in the icy temperatures and snow, so as a treat to warm them up we presented them with a hot chocolate and treats pack - thanks guys - you already burned off those extra calories so that we can all come to school!

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Monday, 20 January. Copyright © 2018-2025 Newfield School, Blackburn, Lancashire. | Web Design by Technology Applied