English National Opera Project

Last term, Class 10 have been busy taking part in a project called Finish This which was offered to us by English National Opera.

A composer called Omar composed a piece of music to represent the colours Red, Blue and Yellow. The task for class 10 and their teacher Gemma (who before joining Newfield was a high school music teacher) was to finish the composition by choosing their own colour and creating the music to represent it. This was a 7 week project.

They started by exploring the 3 colours and played the pieces of music to try to make a connection. Gemma gave 3 of the students a choice between green and white and all 3 chose white. They then created a word bank of what the colour white made us think of and explored everything white that they could find. The class decided that it reminded them of snow, ice and winter sounds.

In the photos you can see them exploring colours, materials and experimenting with sound - in a range of postural equipment which is very important for these young people - working hard on their music, whilst standing, sitting, balancing and lying in the relevant equipment.

Over the next few weeks they explored sounds - mainly high pitched, metal, tinkly, icy sounds. Each student then chose an instrument out of a choice of 2 and they then recorded 10 seconds of music each. This was then put together on ‘audacity’ to create the ending to Omar’s piece of music that they had been given.

Before Christmas, the class submitted the music and they are now waiting for the link to be put on the English National Opera website - we will share it with you once it goes live!

All of the class 10 students have certificates on the way and they had lots of fun collaborating with ENO and creating their piece of music!

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