Father Christmas Visit 24

- In Category: School Activities

Father Christmas Visit 24

Today we were delighted to welcome Father Christmas to school for the whole day… he had used his magic to bring down an igloo, some penguins and polar bears and a cheeky elf to help him, while he met all of the children and handed out the gifts that were provided by the kind people of Blackburn, via Dunelm’s Delivering Joy initiative.

The children were thrilled to meet him and were all very happy to receive some lovely presents - we are pleased to report that all of our Newfield children were on the nice list! Even our chair of governors Sara who had joined us for our Primary show visited Santa!

We were very happy to see Yvonne from Dunelm who has coordinated the gift collection and she really enjoyed seeing some of the children receive their gifts - some of the bags were bigger than the children!

It is wonderful to see how happy our special children are and the innocent pleasure they take from meeting Father Christmas - whether they are 4 or 19 - that is one of the many privileges of working with the Newfield Family.

Thank you once again to Father Christmas and his Elf, Dunelm and the kind people of Blackburn!

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