Panathlon Challenge - Ten Pin Event

This morning 24 of our secondary pupils went down to Peel Leisure and Retail Park in Blackburn to join in with the Panathlon Foundation’s SEN Inclusive Secondary Ten Pin Event.

They had a fantastic morning representing Newfield and joining in with their peers from the local area.

We entered four teams of 6 and we took turns to roll the ball down the lanes using our hands or the ramps. We aimed to get as many of the 10 pins down as we could! Lots of our pupils got spares and strikes stickers whilst playing.

Everyone was incredibly well behaved and sensible and represented Newfield perfectly. We will present certificates and medals to every participant on Friday at our WOW assembly - including 2 special certificates for joining the 100 club (score over 100) to Huzaifah S3 and Hassan S7.

Thank you to everyone involved #inclusivesport #panathlon

We love taking part in new sporting activities and meeting new people - what a nice pre-Christmas treat!

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