S3 have been looking at materials in their theme lessons this week for the “upcycle, recycle and create!” topic.
On Wednesday they explored the BWDBC website to learn all about which rubbish goes in the different colour bins - they sorted lots of rubbish and then completed the quiz!
Today, they have been looking at “re-use” and have followed a sequence of instructions to make a guitar.
They also made some poppies for Remembrance by cutting the end off a plastic bottle and painting it red and black.
Lots of them showed fantastic independence just getting on with the activity and reading and following the instructions provided - well done!
We were really happy to receive these 2 comments on Dojo from parents :
‘Steven says he’s in a band with all his friends at school’
‘Fantastic, Hakeem brought home a guitar that he made at school, marvellous!’