Paralympian Visit and World Food Day

This afternoon, we were visited by Mark Tompsett, who recently made his Paralympic swimming debut at the Paris Paralympics, where he earned a bronze medal in the 100m Backstroke S14.

His achievement came after a remarkable start to 2024, which included winning the Men’s S14 100m Backstroke European gold in Madeira during his first international appearance with the British team.

Mark, who hails from Chorley, began his swimming journey at Chorley Marlins swimming club, where he was coached as a youngster by our own swimming teacher, Nicola Buck!

During his visit, Mark met with pupils in hydrotherapy and later handed out certificates, including the hydrotherapy hero award, at the assembly.

Some lucky students even got to touch his bronze medal, which features many indentations, braille on the back, and a piece of the Eiffel Tower!


During the assembly some pupils showed Mark the fruits and vegetables they had been exploring as it is World Food Day!

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