This morning a parent workshop took place on reading, we explored the benefits of reading and it’s importance including reading for pleasure, positive bonding experiences, to develop skills for life, and to learn about other cultures and the world we live in. We went on to discuss reading in school including our Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme Twinkl Phonics, sharing the different stages to this and some of the terminology involved so parents can support at home.
They looked at the reading curriculum and the way we incorporate quality books across the curriculum before discussing how we support a love of reading through world book day, drop everything and read and class reading corners.
In the second half of the session, we shared ways to support reading at home and how to overcome some of the barriers families may face including access to books and how to create a positive reading environment at home.
There was a lovely turnout and gave chance for families to network with each other and ask any questions they may have.
Future workshops being run by the English and Communication team are:
Supporting communication at home- early communication Thursday 31st October at 9.30am In this session we will examine what is meant by communication and some of the types of barriers our learners face when communicating with others. We will share Newfield’s total communication approach, focusing on early communication including intensive interaction and objects of reference. This workshop is for families of our youngest children or for families supporting children who are in the early stages of communication.
Supporting communication at home- AAC and supporting spoken communication- Thursday 28th November at 9.30am In this session we will examine what is meant by communication and some of the types of barriers our learners face when communicating with others. We will share Newfield’s total communication approach, focusing on different types of augmentative or alternative communication (AAC) such as PECS, communication boards and high-tech devices. We will also discuss how to support spoken communication. Speech Therapy will be attending the event also.
All of these workshops will provide a chance to meet the English and Communication lead and some of the wider curriculum team, ask any questions you might have, and also a chance to talk to other parents afterwards. The family wellbeing coordinators will also be available at this time and refreshments will be served.