Macmillan Coffee Events - Secondary and Explorers

Today we held 2 coffee events in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support - this morning secondary parents were invited to meet the teachers and classes in the department; and this afternoon, Explorers families came in to enjoy their cakes and meet the teachers!

In Secondary they had a fantastic coffee morning. The coffee, cake, and conversation were enjoyed by all. Our Secondary classes did an incredible job showcasing their independence and communication skills. It was great to see everyone socialising, building connections, and working together for a great cause.

Our youngest children, many of them new to school, had their families in this afternoon for their meet the teacher and Macmillan coffee event.

Many of the children have had a great time with their own and other families. One young man had fun playing in the bubbly water with his mummy, big sister and little brother.

It was great to see parents in school enjoying cake with teachers and other school staff, as well as their amazing children - and we’ve managed to raise some money for Macmillan too!

Next Friday it will be be the turn of Primary and Post 16 - can’t wait!

A huge thank you to you all for making it a success - to everyone who helped organise, bake, and participate. Your efforts made the event so special! We look forward to more events like this in the future! I

Lois Talbot - Assistant head teacher Secondary

Thank you for all your hard work, especially for your support with Coffee Afternoon today, I think its great that parents have got to meet the teams and see the classrooms.

Katrina Heywood - Assistant head Explorers
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