Classes have been working hard on their different and exciting curriculum activities - ranging from reading, writing, maths, PE, art work and sensory games.
In secondary, pupils have been doing some 4 seasons art work, writing activities in English for the story ‘TIDY’, dodgeball, a cooking session and working with 100 squares in maths.
In our photos you can see the students concentrating on their work. Some have been matching words to the pictures and others have written the words from a word bank. They have also been adding numbers and using objects to support learning.
Class 4 have had a great week settling into class. We have been exploring the Chinese moon festival through baking, artwork and our sensory stories.
James from THERAPLAY came this morning to trial a new bike for some of our taller pupils… we had some very excited and very fast students testing the bike. We had to run to keep up!