Over the course of the last week everyone in school has been taking part in lots and lots of sporting activities - classes have all been taking part in the ‘mile a day’ challenge - walking or pushing a whole mile every day to get fit!
There have also been some new sports in school to try including archery, dodgeball, orienteering, sensory dance, as well as the old style sports day favourites of running, egg and spoon races, javelin and lots more.
As part of Sports Week, on Wednesday we celebrated MOVE day, with lots of special activities for our children taking part in the MOVE program - It was wonderful to see everyone join together, having fun and celebrating all the progress they have made with MOVE. They experienced new sports using a huge inflatable kayak and a paddle board! The pupils were AMAZING and we had such a good turn out with parents/carers too!
In special assemblies today, all students enjoyed seeing what they had all been up to and each child received a medal to celebrate their taking part in this very energetic week!
Thank you so much to all the staff that supported each other’s classes and everyone who took part.