Today we held one of our annual staff wellbeing events - and this lunchtime saw the very popular staff chippy lunch make a return!
Having held wellbeing events specifically for staff to raise funds to treat themselves and each other, we were able to provide a chippy dinner for any staff members who wanted them - chips, mushy peas, gravy and condiments, all served with lots of bread and butter!
The Wellbeing Warriors, coordinated with HLTA Sharon to raise money, take orders and liaise with the fabulous Harbour Chippy at Shadsworth to provide the lovely, hot, fresh chippy chips!
Thank you to all the staff who contributed to our chippy lunch - whether it was supplying cakes etc to sell; buying cakes to raise funds; helping on the day of the chippy lunch or just coming along to the chippy lunch - it is greatly appreciated and lovely to see lots of staff together enjoying lunch and having a chat.
Staff wanted to say a special thank you to Sharon for going above and beyond to support their wellbeing as we move towards the end of another busy year!
Thank you to all that put this on for everyone it was appreciated. Loved your t-shirt Sharon!
It was lovely to sit with everyone for a change and the atmosphere was amazing:) we really appreciate it!