Each week, some of our older pupils spend time in class with some of our younger pupils, as part of our Buddies Program - it gives responsibility to the older students, and provides nice positive role models for the younger ones.
Endiya was a great help in Class 3 on Tuesday afternoon. She was interacting and getting to know all the children. She enjoyed taking one of them for a walk outside in the sun and playing with the ball with another little buddy.
The boys from S5 had a great time with water play, washing windows and football when they went to be buddies in E5. It is so lovely to see the boys embracing the buddies and acting as superb older role models for out littlys!
We love the photo of Finlay running away with the boys chasing him but a big smile on his face … we’re not sure who is enjoying this more – the big buddies or the little ones - they are certainly having a lot of fun!