Today we had two fantastic opportunities and examples of how we are developing our PE curriculum linked to learning outdoors.
Students in TG4 had their first visit to Witton Park to join a session, where they got to learn how to ride adapted bikes with the Motivate team.
Witton Park Cycle Centre offers cycling for people of all abilities around the park on the fantastic range of trails through the beautiful parkland.
The students had a fantastic time using the wide range of bikes on offer and are really looking forward to going back next week - if you are interested in cycling in Witton, more information is available and it is healthy exercise and very cheap!
After school our teachers and HLTAs had their weekly training session and this week the focus was on development of the PE curriculum, with John Sansom a sports coach from Burnley coming in to talk to staff about the ‘outdoor adventure’ aspects of the PE curriculum and different activities we could do to teach trailing, orienteering and develop problem solving and team work.
The staff again had opportunity to go outside and try out some new ideas for PE with the children, as well as indoor activities. They said that It was enjoyable and fun and there were some really practical ideas that they can adapt and use in lessons.
We also had an after school session for support staff where they learnt about ‘Trauma Informed Schools’ delivered by LEHSS - Lancashire Emotional Health in Schools and Colleges from Lancaster University - staff found it very interesting.
What a busy day for the Newfield Family - all learning and laughing together!