St George’s Day Activities

Classes around school learnt about St. George’s Day today, celebrating our English patron saint and doing some typically English activities.

Class 3 spent part of today exploring English herbs, using them as part of a massage, smelling them, holding them and mark making using them.

They all helped to make a lemon and thyme bread and after listening to the story of St. George we decorated the table with red roses, coloured ribbons and a dragon or two!!

Meanwhile, what could be more English than enjoying a park on a Spring day? S3 have been to the new play area in Witton Park.

The park playground has had a huge makeover and opened just last weekend - The Wits – the larger of the playgrounds – has been completely overhauled with new equipment including swings, slides and climbing frames, plus a bespoke ‘Weavers’ play tower with four storeys and three slides.

The students all had a great time, some went on the zip wire, while others chose the swings and the slides.

They finished the visit off at the cafe to use more of their communication and independence skills.

Students communicated with unfamiliar staff to make requests and pay for the items they bought.

When they came back to school they looked at the photos and did a recount of the morning visit.

Happy St. George’s Day to all!


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