Bamboozle Theatre Company - Pulse

Today we were joined by the Bamboozle Theatre Company who delivered 4 performances of ‘Pulse’ for some of our pre formal learners.

Pulse is an intimate show for just 6 children and is specifically designed for children who might be described as having profound and multiple learning disabilities, delivered alongside 1:1 support staff.

The show featured live music with tactile vibrations, alongside pre-recorded sound, plus captivating visual effects, puppetry, and a sprinkling of water, Pulse immersed our groups of children in a safe, engaging and atmospheric adventure.

The team facilitated gentle 1:1 interaction with the audience members, presenting an array of sensory props and natural materials which were brought up close, creating possibilities for engagement.

The actors provided high levels of focussed attention and were lead by the children’s individual responses, tailoring the performance for their individual needs - it was absolutely amazing to see our children with complex needs taking part in and enjoying the performances.

The children had a wonderful experience and all of the staff involved felt that they had an amazing experience and also came away with lots of ideas and inspiration.

The Bamboozle team reported that they were very impressed with children and also with the staff supporting and giving the children the space to explore and experience independently.

A wonderful day for all - we look forward to having Bamboozle visit again.

Class 3 absolutely loved the experience of the “pulse” performance. All of the sensory aspects including the water, sand, music and smells put a smile on each child’s face. It was fantastic to see the children engaging with the performers and it was great for us as staff to see how much they enjoyed it!

Leah Lawson Senior EHCA

What an amazing experience for our children. Some amazing reactions and lots of great ideas for staff to take away! There was totally independent participation by the children with fantastic outcomes. How lucky we all were to take part and have so much fun!

Dawn Lyness HLTA
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