RRSA Steering Group Meeting March 24

Today the RRSA steering met up to discuss what is our next charity event to raise money for the Love for Kenya orphanage school charity.

After Easter we will be completing our bag 2 school event - this is when pupil and staff families from Newfield fill a bag of pre-loved clothes and bring into school. We get them weighed and this equated to a sum of money, and whatever we raise goes towards our chosen charity.

In the meeting we talked about our friends in Kenya, and we made posters so that staff, students and visitors know we need lots of clothes to make lots of money. We then handed out the bags to send home.

We also discussed the other things we are collecting such as old glasses for Vision Aid who distribute them to people needing glasses in other countries and old or unwanted shoes which Clarks shoe shops collect and again distribute to people in other countries under their ShoeShare scheme.

It is a good way of helping other people, as well as recycling items and helping our planet!

If you have any clothes, shoes or glasses - spectacles - that you no longer need, please send them into school after the Easter break.

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