Transition Coffee Morning

- In Category: Parents

Transition Coffee Morning

Today parents had the opportunity to share their concerns, worries and experiences with a wide range of professionals and service providers who support adults with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or complex medical needs.

The aim of the session was to increase parents knowledge of the services that our students can access once they have left Newfield and to try to answer some of their many questions. It also opened up vital conversations about gaps in services and sadly parents shared some poor experiences of conversations taking place with GP practices around Annual Health Checks, their children’s health care and their rights as parents.

An hour and half was certainly not enough but our aim is to list all of the concerns mentioned, organise further opportunities to get together and to invite people who can help us navigate through what must be the most difficult period of transition into adulthood after Newfield.

However, some of the parents present also gained really useful information about services they didn’t even know existed!

We intend to host additional events, focussing on specific areas such as finances, power of attorney, legal guardianship, social activities, supported living etc so please……..come and join us………….look out for your invitation via Parent Mail.

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Full copies of Policies and Procedures related to all aspects of Safeguarding, and the Complaints Policy, are available on request from Rachel Kay, Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

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