World Book Day 2024

- In Category: School Activities

World Book Day 2024

What a wonderful world book day we have have this year!

Primary classes were invited to come dressed in their pyjamas where we snuggled down and shared our favourite bed time stories. Some classes even enjoyed some hot chocolate and cosy blankets while we read.

Our older classes wore clothes they like to read and relax in as part of our school ethos of reading for pleasure.

Book trails were set up around school to share high quality texts for our primary and secondary learners and to share some of our favourite stories. Some pupils even had a go at cracking the code to reveal the secret message hidden in the trail. Pupils brought in books and enjoyed choosing books to look at from the book swap table.

This year for something different we had a masked reader competition where teachers and staff read exerts from their favourite books and we tried to guess who it was behind the mask! We know it is important for staff to promote a love of books and be role models for reading, and World Book Day was our chance to celebrate this! We had a monkey reading ‘Winnie the Pooh’, an alien reading’ Room on the Broom’ and even a warthog reading ‘Not now Bernard!’. We had lots of fun guessing the readers and discovering new and different books in the process.

Some pupils enjoyed sharing a story time with Marvin which was read by Gwyn McCormack from Positive Eye Ltd, which was broadcast live specially for World Book Day today. It was bright, fun, colourful and inclusive and really engaged the children.

All pupils have taken a World Book Day reading token home to support reading at home. Thank you to everyone who helped us have a magical day!

red riding hood
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