Learning at Home 2024

- In Category: School Activities

Learning at Home 2024

Due to the icy weather, we are really sorry not to see the children in school - but safety has to come first.

If you are looking to continue to help your child to learn and have some structure to their day, we have put together a few ideas that we will share below.

Also, please don’t forget that we have lots of activities on our YouTube Channel - teachers are working to create new content, so there should be something for everyone!

If you have lego at home, you might enjoy using the suggestions in the calendar below.

Lego Play

Physical Development - Fruit Hoops

This activity can be adapted depending on the needs of the pupils - don’t worry if you don’t have a dice - you could use pictures and shuffle them or reach into a bag, pick out an object and then find the same colour.

You can just find and sort the fruits, practice releasing them to drop into the circles or physically finding the correct colour.

This can be done with coloured papers (or draw coloured circles on paper with felt tips) or even different coloured rugs, cushions etc. to use to sort the colours.

Encourage grasping and releasing and moving in different directions to match an object to the same colour as it.

True Colours - Sensory Massage Song

The sensory massage activity above, you can do with your child, whilst doing this observe your child’s responses.

  • Do they enjoy the touch?
  • Do they notices the changes of the different types of massage?
  • If you stop do they initiate for you to continue the interaction?

Pendle View school have a lovely link to a bounce session for pupils with therapy balls at home, which might help some of our children burn off some energy!

And in the images below, there are suggestions for some ‘Sensory Smarts’ from Lindsey Biel, M.A., OTR/L who is an occupational therapist specialising in paediatrics, for our learners needing sensory diets.

sensory diet
sensory diet pg2
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