Staff Training 2024

- In Category: Staff & CPD

Staff Training 2024

Today we welcomed staff back after the holidays for a day of continuous professional development - CPD - which is the fancy way of saying training!

We were all very happy to see our friends and colleagues and catch up and then take part in some of the many and varied sessions that you can see in the photos.

We had training from Speech and Language therapists as well as in house trainers as part of a ‘Communication Conference’ prepared by TLR Sarah Chester, to help our staff learn about Makaton, PECS and lots of different ways of helping our children to develop their ‘voice’. There were also opportunities to look at lots of communication resources.

We had nurses and specialist nurses delivering training on gastrostomy feeding.

Our moving and handling team were supporting staff to keep themselves and children safe when using hoists and special equipment to correctly position children.

Headteacher Rachel delivered to a large group of staff about supporting and regulating behaviour, including Team Teach strategies.

Our business services team had EVAC training - which is a special chair on skis that can be used to being wheelchair users downstairs in the event of a fire or emergency - quite dare devil training!

We like to invest in our staff and make sure that they develop the skills and knowledge to meet the varied needs of our Newfield Family.

We are very excited to welcome back the children tomorrow!

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