Staff Christmas Wellbeing Wednesday

We value the wellbeing of our staff very highly as we know how hard they work to support our brilliant children and we know how important it is that they look after themselves and each other.

Today we celebrated wellbeing Wednesday - beginning before school with breakfast prepared and served by HLTAs Sharon and Chris. Colleagues had toast, crumpets, croissants and drinks whilst chatting before the children arrived.

At lunchtime everyone pulled together to give all staff a longer break - 45 minutes - so that those who wanted to could come together (in sittings) to enjoy a festive cheese pie lunch in one of our halls.

It was really nice to be able to relax, share a meal and catch up in Christmassy surroundings! Special thanks to assistant head Lois who put on her pint and cooked and served all of the pies! Also to Galina who helped set up and clear away.

At the end of the day, once children had all safely gone home, some staff stayed for our annual Christmas quiz hosted by teacher Greg. There was lots of laughter and the ‘3 wise women’ team yet again won - they are serious quizzes and very competitive!

All of the staff had a good day, whilst supporting the children- helping them to visit Santa and holding a carol concert!

During this busy time of year, it’s especially important to remember that self-care isn’t selfish, so we hope our families and staff all make sure to look after their wellbeing.

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