Sports Development with Blackburn Rovers

This term we have been working with Blackburn Rovers Community Trust, who deliver inclusive sports programmes as pat of their DisAbility Sports and Wellbeing offer.

Each week Brad from Blackburn Rovers has been coming into school, as part of our sports premium, to impact on Physical Development and PE skills for KS2 and KS3.

He works with 7 classes, working with both the pupils, as well as helping develop PE teaching skills for our teachers and staff support. He also provides a lunch time sports club for any pupil in school.

Children have been practising lots of skills and try out new sports - curling, cricket - as well as football and other team games.

We were delighted to be also joined by Rover defender Hayden Carter in November who had come over to see how the project is going and meet some of our students - check out the video below.

Blackburn Rovers Community Trust are proud to be inclusive and are continuing to expand their provision of programmes across the borough with the new DisAbility Sports and Wellbeing Initiative. The programme aims to deliver inclusive and adapted provision for all abilities in order to capture the #OneRovers ethos.

Some of our pupils were invited to go and wave flags and walk players onto the pitch for the Rovers match on 9th December.

We are really enjoying seeing children’s independence and physical skills developing through this fantastic local initiative.

Blackburn Rovers defender Hayden Carter checks out the Blackburn Rovers Community Trust new DisAbility Sports and Wellbeing Initiative at Newfield
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