Go Kids Go!

- In Category: School Activities

Go Kids Go!

This morning we were delighted to host a wheelchair skills session with ‘Go Kids Go’ which was really exciting, fun and useful.

Go Kids Go (Association of Wheelchair Children) provides a free service for families of wheelchair-using children and offers advice and advocacy ranging from helping parents acquire appropriate equipment for their child, to training the child to become more independently mobile.

Some of our students in manual wheelchairs learnt how to wheelie up and down curbs and our powered chair users learnt how to manoeuvre around tight corners and ride safely over bumps. Aimie and Rachel also had a go and realised that our students are better at navigating in a wheelchair than they are - not at easy as it looks ladies!

We had other wheelchair users join us from Mayfield School in Chorley, where our head Rachel used to be headteacher, making it a lovely social event too.

We played Bull Dogs Across, basketball, obstacle courses and danced.

It was a fantastic opportunity for our learners to develop their physical skills and enhance their independence and we were really pleased to see their confidence grow during the training.

Everyone enjoyed it very much and we will be joining in another session hosted at Mayfield next term!

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