Christmas Fair 2023

- In Category: School Activities

Christmas Fair 2023

Well it may only be the 1st of December, but we held our annual Christmas Fair this morning, the snowflakes are on the website and there is a chill in the air… so the festive season has well and truly begun!

We were delighted to welcome so many families, friends and former Newfield students and staff to join in the festivities. We also had the BwD Deputy Mayor, Sylvia Liddle who joined us for the morning.

The school has once again been transformed by our beautiful tree and there were lots of stalls, games and refreshments to keep everyone busy and to raise funds for school.

The children have been busy making things to sell and there were stalls with gifts, cakes, tombolas, raffles, decorations and some delicious snacks.

We were joined by a very special guest who has brought the ice and frost with him from the North Pole - Father Christmas - who was able to take a moment out of his very busy schedule to pay us a visit - the children all loved being able to visit him and tell him what they want for Christmas!

We all had a wonderful morning - thank you to everyone involved in making the day so successful and to all who attended.

Congratulations to Kerry the winner of S8s raffle. Ron pulled out her name and was delighted to give the Christmas hamper to her. Congratulations to Michelle from S9, she has won the 3 course home made meal from Rahana. Oscar did the draw! Congratulations to the Governor Hamper winner, AnnMarie.

As well as raising funds to enhance provision in school for children, the RRSA also held a book stall and raised additional money for the Kenyan orphanage that we support.

We have raised a fantastic £1204 for the school fund which is amazing.

Thank you everyone for your contributions and Merry Christmas - let the celebrations begin!

father christmas
xmas fair 23
Xmas fair 23
xmas fair 23
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