Takeover Week 2023 - part IV

As our takeover week draws to a close, our young people have been continuing to develop their independence skills and enjoy taking on adult responsibilities.

The weekly cafe took place this morning, with orders placed by staff, then prepared, delivered/served and then tidied up by our stars in TG2.

They had made ‘school cake’ as this week’s special, along with the toast, bagels and drinks on offer.

This week the TG2 boys have also been working in the kitchen and with the premises team to set up and clear any in the halls for the very busy lunch periods.

They put out chairs and tables, then put them away after lunch and swept the halls.

Some of them worked in the kitchen helping with prep and washing up - great job guys!

Suha did an amazing job, working with nurse June today for takeover week. She did the morning rounds, checked heart rates, temperatures and even gave advice on diabetes! We think she has found her calling!

Libah had a great time working with Nick in reception, welcoming visitors and answering the phone - we think she’d make a great receptionist in the future, which is what takeover week is all about - you people experiencing work, with a view to thinking about their future aspirations.

Thanks to everyone who supported this week a a big well done to all our takeover students!

wash up
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