Earlier this half term we celebrated harvest with 2 assemblies.
The pupils in the primary department engaged with a very interactive assembly involving lots of singing, signing and playing instruments. We learnt about how our food gets into the shops and what the farmers do for us to allow us to enjoy lots of tasty food.
Parents were invited and enjoyed some sining and signing, as well as being able to view the lovely artwork that pupils have created on the harvest and autumn theme.
As part of harvest, we asked families and staff to bring in donations of packets and tins of food, as is traditional at this time of year.
Today, our oldest students went to the Foodbank in Blackburn and took along all of the donations that were collected.
They did a great job loading the van, then taking the boxes into the Foodbank, who were very happy to receive our donations, which they will share with local families in need.
We always have donations boxes for Foodbank in school, so if you wish to contribute, please send items in anytime.