European Day of Language 2023

On Tuesday 26th September 2023, Newfield School put our own twist on European Languages Day and celebrated a rich variety of languages and cultures from all over the world with our very own ‘Languages Day’. The day was split into two halves, beginning with a World Market and ending with a ‘Worldvision’ showcase.

For our World Market, Pupils worked hard to create an array of stalls which offered a means of sampling food, clothing, customs and cultures and vocabulary from countries across the globe. Our chosen countries were diverse and included places such as: Italy, India, Holland, Mexico, USA, UK, China, France and Japan to name but a few.

Once again the pupils surpassed themselves in creating an exciting and unique market, full of stalls that were enjoyable not only for each other but also for staff and those parents who visited us for the morning to appreciate the pupils work. It was a fantastic experience for all those involved!

The ‘Worldvision’ performances followed on from the morning’s festivities to round out the afternoon and bring the fun-filled day to a close. ‘Worldvision’ is our own special take on Eurovision and gave the pupils an opportunity to showcase their many talents through performance pieces linked to their chosen countries.

Our pupils put on a wonderful show that was enjoyed by both performers and viewers alike and concluded another successful Languages Day celebration.

A huge thank you and well done to all of those involved in making Languages Day 2023 very memorable!

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