We have had a great start to the new academic school year this week, with staff training and then welcoming back our fabulous children in the glorious sunshine.
All of the children and young people were delighted to be back - which is so lovely for the staff as we see their happy faces, it makes everything so rewarding!
We have got straight down to business getting back to learning with children learning through play outside - making music, making new friends and sharing activities outside.
It’s been hot in school and we’ve been trying to keep cool in school as well as enjoying playing in the gardens.
Our older learners in post 16 have settled into their new accommodation - they are really enjoying a more grown up environment and especially having a common room where they can chill out and chat - they are looking forward to using the space to also make themselves snacks and drinks - learning important independence skills. As you can see, they have been working really hard already - absolutely brilliant!
Lots of staff training has taken place at the start of the week - and we had to share these funny photos of the first aid training! They learnt lots to make sure they can keep our children safe, especially when they are out and about.
So, week 1 over already - have a wonderful weekend in this return to summer weather and keep checking our blog to see all the things the Newfield Family is up to!