Prom 2023

- In Category: School Activities

Prom 2023

This evening we held our annual Prom to celebrate our fantastic Class of 2023.

The theme this year was Hollywood Glamour and what a fabulous evening it was! Everyone had dressed to impress with sequins and sparkle aplenty.

The students from post 16 phase walked the red carpet to enter the hall that had been transformed into a glamorous venue fit for any movie star.

Each of the Class of 2023 leavers had their own Hollywood star.

The evening began with a set from DJ Sam Flanagan. Hot on the heels of his Glastonbury set last week - and I’m completely serious - he came to Newfield and got everyone in the mood to celebrate.

We then had a delicious American themed meal with posh-dogs, curly fries and a variety of glam desserts, prepared and served by our amazing catering team.

There was a photo booth and lots of posing!

After the meal, we watched our leavers video - which as always had some laughs and some tears as our staff and our leavers shared their reflection on the class of 2023 and their time at Newfield - there wasn’t a dry eye in the house by the end!

All of our leavers were presented with their own mimi Oscar as a moment of the special evening.

After enjoying the leavers film, our site supervisor and part time performer Karl White took to the stage and entertained everyone with live performances of lots of favourite hits, singing, playing the guitar and keeping the celebratory vibes going - everyone had a great time dancing and singing along.

It was a magical evening and all of the pupils, families and staff that attended had a really wonderful time.

Thanks to everyone who came, all of the staff who made decorations, supported on the night, made and contributed to the film, turned the halls into an amazing venue, performed, prepared and served the meal - and then tidied it all up ready for school tomorrow!

Special thanks goes to our Assistant Head Lois for putting it all together and to Sam and Karl for creating the atmosphere with their performances.

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