Lots of Learning

- In Category: School Activities

Lots of Learning

On Monday we had our Eid Celebration and after this it’s been a very busy week so far at Newfield with lots going on.

Even though we were busy enjoying Eid some of the school council met up for their school council meeting. We talked about things in school we would like to see - ranging from different choices for lunch to new equipment in the school grounds. We also invited our new teacher Amy to the meeting, she was put under the spotlight with questions fired at her so we could find out lots more things about her. Some of the other staff also got involved with students choosing to ask them questions too.

S1 have been doing some, research for their Literacy work this week. They have focused on non-fiction and have used the laptops to practice typing in the names of famous scientists. They watched videos, found information and pictures and then created posters about the different scientists.

On Wednesday pupils had another lovely day at the farm. They enjoyed taking the alpaca for a walk and listened carefully before picking the duckling up safely. Everyone chose which chick they wanted to make footprints with and then put their fingerprint on their card - we don’t know what the birds thought of painting with their feet, but they didn’t seem to mind!

TG3 have been out in their new enterprise scheme - car washing. It was hard work, but fun in the sunshine.

B and Q have very kindly donated some of their (un-sold) plants to us and teacher Tracy and her son delivered them - we are going to plant them in our planters and grounds to make every where look nice.. They are all fine and just need planting and a drop water to wake them up and get them blooming again - thanks very much to B and Q for the donation.

And finally, our cooking skills have been put to use, with one of our older pupils sharing a photo of him making a chess and onion pie at home for tea - looks yummy - and TG2 preparing lemon drizzle and school cake for there cafe on Friday - what a talented bunch and a busy week!

plant cooks
farm cars
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