Comic Relief 2023

- In Category: Charity Events

Comic Relief 2023

Today we have joined the nation in celebrating Red Nose Day once again!

We dressed in red, had lots of silly activities going on, staff did the sweepstake and all had a great time.

In TG2’s regular Friday Cafe there was a cake stall with loads of yummy red nose themed treats - lemon drizzle cake, jam and fresh cream puff pastry fingers, flap jacks - plain, raisin and chocolate, scones and cherry cupcakes!

Children and staff enjoyed dressing up with props and posing for photos in the photobooth and using their physical skills to join in nose and spoon obstacle races.

There was also some red messy play and the opportunity to stick red noses on the senior leadership team photos which made us all laugh!

The dance sweepstake winning dance move was ‘roly poly’ - well done Kerry from C3 on winning the pamper hamper - she is delighted with it.

Don’t forget to watch all the fun on TV tonight - we hope to have raised lots of money.

You can donate online to Comic Relief using our special link.

Thanks to everyone who took part and thanks to new teachers Liz and Rebecca for organising the day’s events.

RND 23
RND 23
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