Lots of Learning!

- In Category: School Activities

Lots of Learning!

There has been a lot going on so far this week, with lots of opportunities to practise skills, build independence and explore new things.

TG 3 have been busy in their tuck shop. Each Tuesday they take orders and make toast for staff and students, which they then deliver to the classes. They also hold a stall on the corridor and enjoy selling lovely treats - at a high price as they want to make profits for an end of year reward for their hard work!

As part of their eco warriors theme, S5 have been using seasonal ingredients, to create ‘Coffey cake’ - so named in honour of Theresa Coffey due to the use of winter vegetables in recipes - this is cake made of turnip… we’re not sure about the flavour, but it was vegan and good fun to make!

Some of the RRSA steering group have organised collecting essential items for the homeless pods at Shadsworth and Blackburn Food Bank. Neil and Colin from Blackburn Food Bank came to school to collect shoe boxes filled with essentials to give to people who are needing them. The RRSA will be continuing their collection of items to offer continued support for people in need to have better lives.

And over in S1, for their final lesson on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, pupils made their own ‘wonka’ bars and made choices of the things they wanted to put in them. They looked great and tasted even better !

shoe box
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