As a school we are always trying to find better ways of communicating with families. Many of our children cannot tell their families what they have been up to - we use phone calls, emails, home school books, Parent Mail, Evidence for Learning… whatever way we can to connect with families and share news.
This term we are starting to use a system called Class Dojo, which will enable teachers to communicate with home and send photos and videos as well as class information - and families can reply and send us information too.
We will continue to use EfL for capturing and demonstrating progress, Parent Mail for general school messages and of course the usual calls & meetings - but we hope everyone enjoys using class dojo to share news and celebrate our fantastic children!
If you are a parent/carer you should have had an invite to join… Please bear with us as we get to grips with this new system and let us know via your class teacher if there are any issues, concerns or questions we can help with.