Christmas Staff Wellbeing 2022

- In Category: Staff & CPD

Christmas Staff Wellbeing 2022

We take the wellbeing of our fantastic staff very seriously here at Newfield. They work so hard all year round to support our children and provide enriching, exciting opportunities.

Today we held our first ever Christmas Chippy Lunch where everyone could have a bag of chips from the chippy and then choose from tomato sauce, mayonnaise, gravy, mushy peas or curry sauce and of course there was lots of salt and vinegar and bread and butter for the all essential chip butties!

HLTA Sharon went to the Harbour Chippy on Shadsworth Estate to collect our order in 3 goes for our 3 sittings to make sure everyone got hot, fresh chips.

We all really enjoyed coming together in the hall for once, in sittings as obviously the children still come first, and having a natter and a break in the festive surroundings.

A big thank you to all at the Harbour Chippy and also a special mention to our interim headteacher Dave, who left some money for staff wellbeing when he left us last Summer, and which essentially paid for our chippy lunch for all staff.

After school when the children had gone home, some staff stayed for our annual Christmas quiz - hosted as always by teacher Greg.

As usual it was a lot of fun, with lots of quirky, strange questions! After the chippy lunch staff still found room for nibbles and chocolates as they chomped their way through the several rounds.

The overall winners were rewarded with a prize and again it was a great opportunity too spend time with colleagues relaxing and enjoying each other’s company.

I just wanted to say thank you for lunch today, chippy dinner was lovely and it was nice to be able to catch up with staff that we don’t always get chance to in our busy days. Thanks again!

Senior EHCA Mel
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