Takeover Week 22 - part 4

- In Category: School Activities

Takeover Week 22 - part 4

We wanted to try something new for takeover week this year, so arlier in the week we ran a sensory takeover session. Pupils enjoyed activities to simulate a range of jobs in school – school cooks, site team and the Nurses.

Newfield school cooks came to the session to meet the pupils whilst they flicked flour and rolled pizza dough.

The site team accompanied pupils whilst they sawed wood and knocked and hammered nails.

At the Nurses stall, pupils stuck plasters and bandages on themselves and handled the medical equipment.

Shajiena helped the nurses for her takeover role . Shajiena went to all of the classes checking on how all the students were feeling. Shajiena also took the heights of some of the staff and also helped in the hall while the students were doing a sensory role play learning about what nurses do during their working day. Cate and June said Shajiena did an amazing job

Hishaam was great taking over the role on the car park. He greeted all the taxi/bus drivers and made sure the card numbers matched the vehicles. Hishaam then ensured all the cards were handed into Lois in the office so that the correct student was called. Everyone said what a polite young man he was!


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