Remembrance 2022

- In Category: School Activities

Remembrance 2022

Today we joined in Remembrance activities - This year, the Royal British Legion have diversified their materials in light of recent years and are asking that the event use the theme of “Service”. This is to represent all those who worked in high risk rolls throughout the pandemic and to honour those who did sadly lose their lives alongside those who have died in military service. To represent this, classes made artwork to decorate the school.

At 11am, Anna will be announced the start of our minute’s silence in school, playing the Last Post on her trumpet.

There was an assembly in the afternoon lead by Greg Sharples, which some children attended.

Pupils in class in the school for autism celebrated Remembrance day by sprinkling poppies during an attention autism stage 3 session.

S4 enjoyed exploring different poppy themed activities. We made a handprint wreath and dried our cup case poppies in a muffin tin so they dried into a lovely flower shape. We also used an apple cut in half to do some poppy printing and finally, we made some red and black Playdough and had a go at making our own poppies.

We’ve also been busy in the gardens again this week, with unusually warm weather - here is a photo of the finished willow fence that the pupils have created with Anna, Helen T and volunteer Helen Cornfoot.

It looks amazing and create some great shelter from the wind. We are hoping that over the year we can create more of this fencing to help improve and start zoning areas of our outside space.

It was a great project that all the pupils who came along, were able to complete with very little support from staff.

It was a great team effort from all involved.

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