Today we celebrated jeans for genes day and raised money by wearing our jeans and donating a £1.
It’s a charity close to our hearts at Newfield as it supports families and investigations into genetic illnesses.
We also had a competition to design our best jeans with pupils drawing, colouring, sticking and generally designing jeans!
AnnMarie and Jenny R were very impressed and chose the winners, who were Terence, Arsalaan, Huzaifah, Suha, Aaminah and a group effort from Class 1. As always they were very creative and our six winners won some chocolate and were presented with a certificate.
Our fantastic kitchen team made gingerbread men in jeans for pudding which added to the occasion.
All the children and staff enjoyed wearing their jeans to raise money and celebrate our first fund raising event of the year.
Well done to everyone and have a fabulous weekend.