Celebration of Achievement - part II 2022

This morning we held the second to this year’s annual Celebration of Achievement Assemblies and it was the turn of our older students including our leavers.

It has been a while since we have been in the fortunate position of being able to hold the assembly and so this year has been extra special, with us enjoying 2 assemblies - for our older and younger learners.

Celebration of Achievement is one of the most important events of their school career for our Class of 2022, along with the fabulous Prom they enjoyed last week.

It was a welcome return of a much loved and very special Newfield tradition, and we were very happy to have our outgoing interim headteacher Dave hosting, with the wonderful Dr Perera, Community Paediatrician who retires later this year, presenting the awards to the children he has known - she of them since birth! We were also very happy to see Geoff our former head teacher who joined us for the occasion.

It was a fantastic, emotional opportunity for us to come together to celebrate all of the things our children have achieved.

The pupils got special mention, progress and achievement awards & we also had 2 children earning courage awards for their bravery and triumph over adversity, as well as special mentions and progress awards.

Well done to the whole Newfield Family - we are so proud of everyone.

After the assembly the ice cream van came and every child and member of staff got a delicious cool treat!

ice cream
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