Prom 2022

- In Category: School Activities

Prom 2022

After a 2 year gap where we have not been able to hold a prom for our leavers, we were absolutely delighted to be able to hold one again and for 2022 our theme was ‘Black and White’…

And what a fabulous night our older students, families and staff had tonight.

The post 16 department all got dressed in their finest and arrived to find that the hall has been turned into an event suite, all decked out with the decorations that they had been making in class and much more - it was stunning and so glamorous.

Guy Porteous played the piano as everyone arrived and throughout the lovely (black and white) meal prepared by our amazing catering team. It really was a very sophisticated start to a special evening.

We then watched a video that has been put together about the leavers with film clips, photos of students and messages from many of the staff - we all had a few tears by the end of it and Adnan thoroughly enjoyed commentating throughout!

Dave, the headteacher, said a few words of thanks to our fantastic children, their families and the staff and presented each of the leavers with a small keepsake moment of the evening.

And then we all danced the night away to music played by Karl who is a member of our site team staff. He played guitar and sang creating such a great atmosphere - we will definitely be booking him again!

It really was an amazing and memorable evening - thank you to all involved - if you missed it, you missed a real treat!


Can I just say from a family members point of view, thank you all so much it was an incredible night and we couldn’t have wished for anything more for the leavers it was a night to remember and highly emotional too! The decor, the video, the entertainment and most of all, all of the love that was put in to it! Thank you!

Charlie - sister of Billy
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